2009年6月19日 星期五


齊豫 - 橄欖樹

齊豫 - 橄欖樹

費玉清、孫燕姿 - 橄欖樹

毛寧 - 橄欖樹

歌的故事 - 齊豫- 橄欖樹

康熙來了- 齊豫 - 橄欖樹

4 則留言:

  1. 徐小鳳 幸福途

  2. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  3. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  4. 齊豫《橄欖樹》國語,作曲:李泰祥,作詞:三毛(1979年電影《歡顏》插曲,同年收錄於《橄欖樹》大碟)
    *不要問我從那裏來 我的故鄉在遠方
    為甚麼流浪 流浪遠方 流浪*
    為了天空飛翔的小鳥 為了山間輕流的小溪
    為了寬闊的草原 流浪遠方 流浪
    還有還有 為了夢中的橄欖樹 橄欖樹
    不要問我從那裏來 我的故鄉在遠方
    為甚麼流浪 為甚麼流浪 遠方
    為了我夢中的 橄欖樹

    不需為我太難受 艱苦日子有盡頭
    想到當日痛楚 今天的我 在享受
    *即使日子更難受 終需亦得到自由
    只要生命存在 多少風雨 願忍受*
    所有生活 不一定敢保證願望 得到手
    就算今日已絕望 明日運氣問君知否

    *身邊或許有茫茫白霧 清風或許會輕吹過
    不怕經歷重重患難 只想趕上 幸福途*
    心中或許有無窮願望 不知目的可否找到
    天意不願人逢絕路 當可趕上 幸福途
    不禁驚惶 此刻立身處風正高 風正高
    實踐心內那自由願 誰人為我代祝禱
    送我個希望 那怕惡浪比 天高
    我願一朝趕上 幸福途

    *今天夜空裏月兒淡淡 今天夜空裏星光燦燦
    只覺今夕長夜漫漫 此刻不再 舊歡顏*
    心中是一片閒愁淡淡 心中是一片淒淒冷冷
    一切都是迷迷幻幻 此刻心裏 盡憂煩
    孤單孤寂 憶起夢中家鄉我採 小橄欖
    沒有憂慮與寂寞 無窮樂趣在心間
    似看見希望 你我向樹頂 高攀
    我夢中依稀見 舊歡顏

    *不須為我事傷了心 不須為我遭苦困
    因我鍾意流浪 不須牽掛 情人*
    今生難再覓一個知音 今生惟有拋開了紅塵
    因我想飛向那天邊 深深一吻 白雲
    飛去天涯 飛去會見那自由神 傾愛心
    讓我親近心印心 流浪為了覓知音
    我要去天涯 我要去尋訪 知音
    我從今不想你 情人

    葉蒨文《The Olive Tree》英文,填詞:三毛(1980年《春天的浮雕》大碟)
    (白:There is a farmer, who walks on the road
    Stranger, why do you wander?)
    *Don't ask from where I have come, my home is far far away
    Why do you wander so far, wander so far, wander so far*
    For my little bird free I wander, for a medow green and wide
    For the mountain high and blue, I wander, wander so far
    Then is there more, yes for the olive tree, of my dream
    Don't ask from where I have come, my home is far far away
    Why do you wander, why do you wander so far, far far away
    For the olive tree, of my dream

    Danny Koh《To Be Free》英文(1980年《丹尼之歌:Armay Armay/Chameleon》大碟)
    You don't have to ask where I'm born, all my life I've been alone
    My house is where I go, just like the wind, then blows
    Like a bird that flies in the blue sky, looking for a place for a reason
    It's like a bird spend on freedom, I am a bird, you see
    Higher higher, reaching out for the sky of the world, and the stars
    You don't have to know where I'm from, I've been flying so long so far
    What is my reason, where are my chances, in the world

    青春派對《True Friend》英文(1990年《青春派對:中翻英演唱專輯Vol.7》)
    *If you need me call my name, I'll be there to ease your pain
    So baby don't feel blue, 'coz when you're blue, just for you*
    And no matter where you are, I'm always there for you
    'Coz I am your true friend, I'll do all things, just for you
    Don't cry my love, I'll be there to see you through
    Come what may always with you all the way, standing by you through rainy days
    Because I love you, and you're my true friend, and I care
    And I know you will do the same, just for me

    《Through All The Years》英文(1991年廣東版《台灣最受歡迎聯唱組曲--中翻英聯唱》合輯)
    女:All my love I give to you, I'll be yours forever true
      I'll give my heart to you, I will be there 男:only for you
    女:In a meadow down by the brook, there's a lark that sings out her song
    男:A deep love that's understood, a love so strong, love that belongs
    合:Through all the years, our love will be so strong, all the way
    女:Know that I'll be there for you 男:I'll beside you in every way
      Sure of this moment, as we make our house, face to face
    合:As the lark sings out her love song, we'll be true
    女:All my love I give to you, I'll be yours forever true
    男:I'll give my heart to you, I will be there 合:only for you

    The Hot Pepper,泰文
