2010年9月3日 星期五

你常在我心中 / Wooden Heart

方逸華 - Wooden Heart

Can't you see I love you
Please don't break my heart in two
That's not hard to do
'Cause I don't have a wooden heart
And if you say goodbye
Then I know that I would cry
Maybe I would die
'Cause I don't have a wooden heart

There's no strings upon this love of mine
It was always you from the start
Treat me nice
Treat me good
Treat me like you really should
'Cause I'm not made of wood
And I don't have a wooden heart


Elvis Presley - Wooden Heart

Can't you see I love you
Please don't break my heart in two
That's not hard to do
'Cause I don't have a wooden heart
And if you say goodbye
Then I know that I would cry
Maybe I would die
'Cause I don't have a wooden heart

There's no strings upon this love of mine
It was always you from the start
Treat me nice
Treat me good
Treat me like you really should
'Cause I'm not made of wood
And I don't have a wooden heart

Muss i denn, muss i denn
Zum Stadtele hinaus
Stadtele hinaus
Und du, mein schat, bleibst hier?

There's no strings upon this love of mine
It was always you from the start
Sei mir gut
Sei mir gut
Sei mir wie du wirklich sollst
Wie du wirklich sollst
'Cause I don't have a wooden heart

3 則留言:

  1. 小姑娘的心-萧芳芳

  2. 마운틴 씨스터즈(權清子,高知延)《무심한 마음》韓文,譯詞:김문응(金文應)(1965年《눈물에 젖어/도미니크》大碟)

  3. 蕭芳芳《小姑娘的心》國語,填詞:姚炎(1964年《媽媽好》細碟TAE-139)
    小姑娘 十七八 愛上郎君比她大
    年紀雖然大 可是她 心裏撇不下
    小姑娘 叫聲媽 想要開口又害怕
    怎能說那話 豈不是 羞煞女兒家
    想問媽爸爸今年多大 想問媽她幾歲才出嫁
    她的媽 說了話 小小年紀別太傻
    不要多牽掛 趕快去 安心讀書吧

    吳靜嫻《夢裏跳阿哥哥》國語、英文(1967年《我愛你 ! 阿哥哥》細碟SM-1)
    我整天 我整天 甚麼事都不想做
    甚麼事不做 只知道 跳那阿哥哥
    只因為 忘不了 你的臉兒紅似火
    我的一顆心 已經是 不能不愛你
    我只有去找你為了愛為了愛 找你來跳一個阿哥哥
    早也跳 午也跳 晚上更是跳通宵
    跳完通宵舞 睡大覺 夢裏還在跳

    方逸華《Wooden Heart(長在我心上)》英文、國語(60年代)
    Can't you see, I love you, please don't break my hear in two
    That's not hard to do, 'cause I don't, have a wooden heart
    And if you, say goodbye, then I know that I would cry
    Maybe I would die, 'cause I don't, have a wooden heart
    There's no strings upon this love of mine, it was always you from the start
    Treat me nice, treat me good, treat me like you really should
    'Cause I'm not made of wood, and I don't, have a wooden heart

    你不要又對我說再見  不要把我扔在一旁
    你長在 我心上 你的情意不能忘
    我為你早晚想  只為我 不是硬心腸

    只為你 好風采 使我一見就心愛
    一見就心愛 為甚麼 你總不理睬
    我對你 是真情 求你接受我的愛
    接受我的愛 從今起 生活在一塊
    *你看鳥兒飛着花兒開 可是好景不長在
    但願你 也明白 和我相親又相愛
    相親又相愛 我們倆,永遠不分開*

    聽我說 我愛你 請你永遠莫忘記
    永遠莫忘記 除非你 真是鐵心腸
    如果你 忘了我 你將使我太難過
    使我太難過 因為我 不是鐵心腸
    *僅新一年就暗暗變 我倆還心中如一
    隨我吧 我的愛 我來有一同相待
    幾時當歡樂 流水年 華不再來*


    棉花似 的浮雲 空中飄來飄去
    暖和的驕 陽照 耀著大地
    微風 輕輕吹 送來陣陣花香
    布穀鳥 的叫聲 到處飄揚
    堤旁楊柳田裏禾苗 在向我們招邀
    踏著輕 快步伐 走過溪上石橋
    攀著荊棘 的山路 越爬越高
